A Quick Note on Property Values
County told us property values would drop 2% and we budgeted accordingly .. now they tells us 22%... I have a lot of late nights coming.. I will not raise your taxes as most other cities, counties and school districts will do. I believe if your property value goes down so should your taxes... I will be redoing the budget over the next 2 weeks to cover the hundreds of thousands of dollars we will be losing... I will then present these items to the City Council for approval.... I have a lot of work ahead of me so please be patient if I do not respond as quickly to request... This is why I developed a strong fund balance and long range budget plan that handles just such problems....
Why are you ducking a more immediate situation? Why was the current code enforcement officer terminated? Code enforcement is a police function! What don't you understand about that? All you care about is having the title of mayor!!!! We'll see about that the next time you come up for election....
Well you are sadly mistaken... the previous CSO resigned which the Council accepted unanimously 2 weeks ago. No one was terminated... perhaps you should get your facts straight.... better luck next time...
How is it better luck next time??You are not answering the question!You moved codes enforcement from the police department to some other place and the individual quit because of this.Code enforcment = law enforcment. How much easier can it be? My facts are far straighter than you think. You seem to always dismiss people so easily.
Once again you are wrong... Code enforcement began in the community development department..... Then move to police department and now is back at City Hall where it began ... Better luck next time refers to you trying to slam me .... I only dismiss those who attack me as you did saying I only like the title..... I just spent the last two weeks redoing the city's long term budget and levy numbers ... I put everything into make this city great ... There is no glory or ceremony to it.... Just hard work and the inevitable nonsense from those that have no idea what goes into it
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