The possibility exist that Isanti may develop a storm water utility as a means to fund the newly mandated state requirements - The City is also having to take back numerous "private" storm water ponds that were not properly maintained. The City Council in 2007 over my strong objections allowed developers to keep the storm water ponds as privately held property belonging to the individual homeowners. This would mean that all the home owners along a storm water pond would have to pay to maintain the system. That was both unrealistic and unfair. Unrealistic because without a homeowners association or other such entity this would not be feasible. The Council at the time did not create any enforcement to ensure these are were maintained. Unfair because a storm water system is the same as our water, sewer and road system. We as a whole should be responsible for the whole system. Homeowners are not asked to maintain the section of road in front of their home nor should they be asked to maintain a storm water pond that is part of a City wide system.
The reason I would prefer a utility vs an increase in property taxes is that a utility would capture revenue from tax exempt properties making it more fair for all storm water system users as well as from platted but as of yet undeveloped properties. Another reason is if it is a property tax increase future Councils could spend these newly raised funds anyway they want. If it is a utility fee then it must be spent for that specific use and no other. Lastly it gives greater transparency as to where the money that is being collected is spent.
Why platted properties that have yet to have anything built on it? Well if there is a road and storm system that services the area that area should pay into maintaining that system. It would not be the same amount as a built property but anywhere between 10% and 25% of a residential unit equivalent. The system would resemble the follow example but remember nothing has been approved at this date ...
1 residential storm water unit would equate to 5000 square feet of impervious service ... assuming this is the average amount for a residential property in Isanti. Each residential property would be charged one unit price of say $7 per month equally $84 a year. A business, multi-family or non-profit entity that would have 20,000 square feet of impervious surface area would pay the equivalent of 4 residential units of $28 a month or $336 a year. A non-built lot that has all the infrastructure might pay 10% to 25% of a residential unit cost of $.70 to $1.75 to adequately cover the use they are making of the system and to help maintain according to the new standards.
This is again at the idea stage and a full presentation will be made to the Council the 2nd meeting in June. The problems driving this need is very real and urgently needs to be addressed. Many cities already have utilities established for storm water as well as other items like street lightening.
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