We passed a City Budget with a 3% cut in spending and a ZERO increase in the property tax levy..... Another great victory for my budget plan. We have been able to make the tough decisions to cut cost so we can save our taxpayers hard earned money.
I am a budget and planning guy and if we do not keep a tight hold of our expenses then cost and taxes will run wild as they had previous to becoming Mayor. Some of the decisions we have had to make are not popular but we must protect our resources as this Great Recession continues to hurt our City's families.
I would rather make sure our City is prepared for the future and the difficulties we face together than trying to make grandiose promises in a vain hope to win a single election - the future of Isanti is worth a great deal more to me.
Listening to you is getting old and pathetic. You sit and say "I" when it is something OK but as soon as it is something bad it is "we". The budget is put together by the city staff and then ok'd by the council just because you have no job and nothing better to do then sit at city hall or make sure you picture is in the paper is just pathetic. Let the city run and we would be saving money as the educated were put into their positions with the city for a reason instead of your hidden little agendas. Stop slinging mud and run a clean campaign. For you to sit and rip your opponent just goes to show you are a dirty politician.
In this posting the first word is We and it was all good news... secondly you complain about reading what I am writing... unless you have made my blog your home page you have to search it out...
The City budget and financial plan including the LGA flip are pretty much my ideas in operation. If you dispute that I would really like to know your facts. This is why Isanti is the only City once again that has cut cost and has no tax increase.
Your idea of letting staff running the city is interesting. I think however you should look at the history of taxes and spending in Isanti.... the big boon years of growth when money was pouring into the city and before I was elected the City raised the levy from about 41% to nearly 78%.Since being elected we have reduced the levy to roughly 55%...
Just before being elected Mayor the City had increased spending by 40%... this was not sustainable.....
again where is the mud... nothing has not been said that is not verifiable fact....
George you will win. We are behind you 100%.
Anonymous stating that the budget "is put together by city staff" needs to get a clue that elected officials set budgets, NOT staff. Public accountability starts and stops with elected officials who set the tone for administration to manage budgets as directed by the mayor and council.
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