About Me

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I have served the City of Isanti as Mayor since 2007. We have accomplished great things together and I look forward to building on our success. United, we move forward to a better future. You may contact me at 763-442-8749 or e-mail me at george@georgewimmer.com.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Council Meeting Update

The big items from last night's meeting were the street project and annexation issue. We had a long discussion on the street project with some residents for and against the project. I explained my position that this project had already been delayed 3 years and that this delay had already cost us in broken infrastructure and redundant work. The longer we wait the higher the cost. If we continue to band-aide this section of town we will have escalating future cost. There was a proposal to just do one road but this would lead to much higher cost and continued delay in the hopes that future deterioration would not occur. This was the gamble made in the past and we suffered additional cost when the sewers backed-up in this section of  town. I believed we have waited beyond what prudence would dictate and must complete this project. The tough part of this is a great argument was made by an affect resident to delay the project. This speech was so well prepared and delivered that I believe it changed minds. I really appreciated the speakers passion and respectful delivery. She did an amazing job and was in direct contrast to a belligerent speech made by a person on another topic _ I will explain later in this post.  The vote was 3-2 but I believe a super majority was needed for it to actually pass. I will update you on this when I get my answer....

***yep the 3-2 was not enough votes to pass... The next Council meeting will have this discussion once again. I will again ask the Council to vote on this with the newest member and if it does not get the super majority then I will ask the other Council Members what there plan is to fix the ongoing problems at a reasonable to the City. The pipes are failing in sections and perhaps we can bury our heads in the sand and hope the rest will be ok but if not who is going to pay the extra tens of thousands of dollars to fix the problem... the tens of thousands of extra cost due to delaying the project or dividing the project once again.**** Our newest Council Member will be on the Council for this discussion.

The other major item revolved around annexation of properties 100% enclosed by the City. My concern was that City Taxpayers were subsidizing these properties by providing services that were not being paid for. We received agreement with the township board that these services should be paid for and the Council directed us to negotiate a settlement....

The sad part of this discussion was a township resident and former School Board member that was rude, offensive and made a number of false accusations. This situation led me to use my gavel for the first time ever in a Council meeting. The derisive attacks on our City Administrator and the intellectually lazy arguments were sad & offensive and can not be tolerated. The accusation that his process was being conducted in private or there was a secret 2nd list of properties and that he was getting his information from a "secret" unnamed source was reprehensible. The lie that was spread last night was that the properties would see a 250% tax increase was FALSE. If the annexations would have moved forward - which they will not - the increase per the County Assessor would range in area of 30%. If the former School Board member would have looked a little a deeper into the numbers and not simply tried to find inflammatory results he would have seen that the county portion is higher for a township property versus a City property because the County provides more services to a Township than it does to a City.


Ken said...

Silence the people at all costs that disagree with you,what kind of deal are you trying to pull? Is this going to turn into Lybia and you are going to call the police out to arrest everyone on your list. You need to think about a new line of work if this is becoming too much for you......

George said...

The person was allowed to talk extensively several times but when I tried to speak the person kept interrupting me.... I never interrupted him once yet he could not extend the same courtesy.... perhaps you should actually read and understand what happened unless you want to keep using your hatred towards me to try to string a bad storyline....

The person broke the rules repeatedly and made false accusations and used intimidating gestures towards staff.... this type of behavior is not allowed in a civilized society...

Anonymous said...

I think everyone needs to take a look at East Bethel where there is complete chaos. Rules are rules and when you allow disruptions to take over you lose any responsible discussion.

Having a situation where the loudest prevail leads to anarchy and confusion. Mayor Wimmer has always allowed people to speak that I have seen but that does not mean he has to agree with them or "obey" them.

Everyone that wanted to speak spoke last night including one lady that spoke for a very long time. The hatred spewed by some people is a black eye on this town and I am ashamed of those that threaten Mayor Wimmer and his family.

Anonymous said...

Last night a committee called the DAC was brought up . What does it stand for and who is or was on it ?

George said...

DAC stands for Development Advisory Committee. This is a committee just like the Finance Committee, Police Committee, public works committee, personnel committee and a number of others... Currently Council Member Lorinser and I serve on it. Previously Mayor Apitz and I served on it and after that Council Member Larson served on it. The Committee deals with a lot of development issues and related items.

Isanti has an active committee system and all members of the Council serve on a number of committees and boards...

Paulette said...

Yes, I was "the lady that spoke for a very long time" last night. Actually my "speech" part took approximately five minutes, the exchange between George & I that followed, took up considerably more time. I WILL say in George's defense - he allowed me all the time that I needed in order to finish reading what I had written, AND without interruption, I might add.

Although George & I don't always agree on things, I have always found him to respect my opinion as well as my right to say it, EVEN if he doesn't agree with it. There's times that two people just have to agree to disagree and leave it at that.

I guess that I don't really see what anyone gains to raise their voice or show disrespect as that only seeks to annoy, not only those to whom you're speaking, but also those who are listening as well. Oft times when that happens, the message is lost and goes unheard......which was the whole point of speaking in the first place........being heard.

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting and was surprised a former school board member would act so inappropriately. He acted so superior and like he owned the place. The Mayor should have kicked him out of the building and silenced him. What a sad example for our youth from a former leader.

Anonymous said...

Why is George attacked for telling us his thoughts and opinions on city stuff. He is the most transparent leader I have ever heard of. No candidate knocked on my door and I just went by what was in the paper.

It seems people should be happy he writes all this stuff instead of wanting to go back to the people that caused all these problems to begin with.

Nick said...

Mayor Wimmer, You are doing a great job. Please know there are a great number of tax paying citizens of the CITY of Isanti who support you. We really appreciate your efforts to clean up the wrong doings of the past.

Your utilization of the resources at hand weather it be the finances, land or personell is very impressive. The exchange between the Township representative and yourself at the last meeting is prime example of how your calm demeaner enabled you both to come to the understanding that all the City of Isanti expects in compensations for services rendered.

The Council and yourself could just as easily forced the annexation. Keep up the hard work, keep your health and Familie's health wellfare at the top of your priority list. I wish you nothing but the best.

Will said...

I really don't understand all the mess that seems to engulf our town? We are such a small part of the big machine,why all the crazy talk taking place here? I look at things pretty simple,I don't spend money that I don't have. The government needs to stay small and not too intrusive in our lives.

Anonymous said...

THE DIRTY LITTLE TRUTH NO ONE WANTED TO TALK ABOUT IS.The 250% increases most of the Homeowners were talking about is what it would cost them in taxes, special assessments and water and sewer bill. AND WATER AND SEWER CONNECTION FEES added together. Yes most understand that the special assessments would not happen right away BUT THEY WILL AS SOON AS THE CITY COULD FIND A WAT TO MAKE IT HAPPEN.

George said...

Well those statements are dirty lies.... there would be about a 30% increase in taxation per the county assessor... there are still people in Isanti not hooked up to City sewer and water and no one would be forced to be hooked up.

Fear mongering is always the weapons of cowards...