The Levy failed in both polling places with a combined 62% no and 38% yes.
Cambridge polling place rejected the first question with 56% no and 44% yes compared to Isanti polling place rejection of 69% no and 31% yes. The combined precinct voting had a number of townships voting at each city.
Good. Hopefully the school board learns from being greedy. I hope they come out of this looking for efficiency improvements over simply figuring how many positions to eliminate and then blaming the community.
I totally agree with Jeff. Businesses & households have had to cut back. My company took a 10% paycut across the board. There are others in our community who have lost their jobs. It is not the time for the school or the government to increase spending / taxes. (Hopefully the Fed & St will get the message as well).
The school needs to learn to live on a reasonable budget and needs to make cuts like the private sector does.
Perhaps Jeff you should come into a classroom and advice how to cut costs! You sound like an expert! Bet you would not make it a day!
Sad. What Jeff and Linda didn't mention is that the district has already made 5 million in cuts during the past 5 years. Many programs have been cut, administration and union group salaries have been frozen and now another 1.8 million will have to be cut. Unfortunately it is the children that will be hurt the most by these cuts. Parents with children in the C-I school district will be facing increased fees which could easily end up being as much or more that the proposed tax impact!!
Perhaps you shouldn't draw wild conclusions and crazy assumptions, "anonymous".
I'd like to know why the district was asking to raise the currently expiring levy of $108.61/student up 560% to $608.61/student. That is what I meant with the district being greedy. If they would have asked for the $108.61 to renew, I likely would have voted yes.
As for my comment on efficiency, salaries/benefits account for about 50% of the expenses in the district budget (from what I could tell based on the FY09 budget presentation on the website). So that leaves an equal amount of expenses in other areas that can be considered for reduction. All we hear about is the cuts in staff and increased classroom sizes. What about the other expenses?
How is it that we spend more per student than any other industrialised country, yet our kids get what's considered by most as the poorest education from it, and the best answer they can come up with is to throw more money at it? Why not look to change the model of our education system to that of the countries where the kids are doing the best, instead of attacking residents who are tired of being pillaged by our governments? When times get tough for me, I've got to make changes to accommodate my current situations, I'd love to be able to go around and guilt trip people into just giving me more, even though just about everybody has less right now, but real life doesn't work that way! I'm glad to see residents finally thinking with their brains, instead of their feelings.
Our country spends more than others because we educate all of our children.
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