I was was surprised our newest Council Member Lundeen voted with Council Member Larson to prevent the most cost effective solution to our failing clay sewer pipes that have already backed up into peoples basements and cost the City taxpayer to fix. The proposed 2011 street project was half of the 2008 street project that was split because at the time some felt that the clay pipes were just fine in this area. Well they failed just a couples years later along 4th.
Larson and Lundeen stated that we should just do the 4th and Elizabeth portion of the project which would cost that area at least 10% more immediately if split off into a smaller project. This would cost those homeowners and the City more now and the rest of the project area would cost at least 20% to 30% when they allowed that area to be fixed. The remaining area has the same pipes and Larson & Lundeen are gambling that it will not fail... same gamble made in 2008 about 4th that was wrong.
This was all done in the false pretense it will help the home owners to wait. It will cost the homeowners and the City Taxpayers much more to wait even if there are no more failures.... if the other areas begin to fail then there will be emergency repair work and homeowners with sewers backing up into their basements as already happened on 4th.
I told everyone at tonights meeting to keep their assessment estimates from this project so they can compare the cost to when Larson and Lundeen allow the complete project to advance. Each dollar increase and each failure of the system will be on them but unfortunately the Taxpayer will have to pay the cost as is always the case.
To refresh everyone these types of projects need a super majority of 4-1 to pass so even though we had 3 votes again tonight for the project the minority of the Council was able to block this much need project.
In short no money was saved tonight and very likely this will burden us with much higher debt in the future... a problem similar to the poor decision making from the old Council majority that we will be paying for at the next Council meeting... (Council Member Larson was part of that old majority and now Lundeen is following that same old expensive pattern of punting the ball for future generations to pay the bill)... penny wise and pound foolish...
Here we go again. I was afraid the alliance between Larson and Lundeen during the election would bite us. I can not handle going back to the "Good ole Days"
You know that Lundeen just got sworn in you people are already making it sound bad. He will do a great job just like anybody else give him a chance.
You give Steve Lundeen absolutely no credit. We can see in this town of Isanti that you don't like him. Give him a chance.I do know there are people in this town that don't like you and I can see why.
It is a matter of policy and I believe that the duo of Larson and Lundeen made a big mistake that will hurt the City financially.
The first chance he had he voted with Larson to block a needed a project. Larson was a supporter of Lundeen in his campaign.
Votes on the issues at hand are what matter. The impact of those votes determine the future of the City. The vote last night is going to cost the City a great deal of money.....
I did give Mr. Lundeen a chance as I was told just because he has the support of the good ole boys that does not mean he will vote with that group... first major vote he follows their lead...
why does the rest of the city have to pay for the repairs to the system over there if it could be fixed by doing the project. how many of the people on that side of town voted for lundeen and is this payback for their support? is he going to screw up the budget too?
OMG please do not let people that screwed up the city back in power!!! George has fixed so many problems and has been a budget wizard and yet these power hungry good old boys want to run us off a cliff again. I am so mad that I did not vote in the special election and allowed this problem to happen. Will not make that mistake again. Sorry George!
United, we move forward to a better future.
Hmmm, Once again not seeing it George, you keep living in the past. Sounding like a broken record.
Practice What You Preach!
I am not living in the past.. I am hoping we do not return to the past....
How can you say George is the problem when the majority wanted to do the project and the new minority blocked it?
George gets knock for writing his opinions in public view instead of doing what others do behind closed doors and behind his back. George is honest and hides nothing.
I have heard a lot of bad stuff from supposedly Christian people at the Creamery bashing George. Shame on you for yelling at George for trying to fix our problems. God Bless you George.
We have been through this before and George came out on top each time. Don't worry he will win the argument because the facts are on his side.
How in the world do you expect to work with the whole council when you polarize two members? You are basicly saying it's your way or nothing. Times are tougher than you know,residents don't need accessments added to the mix. I agree,you do sound like a broken record.
The Council has always worked well together... I never get mad when these members talk trash about me at the creamery or other settings... I am simply explaining what happened and the consequences of those actions. Votes have consequences... Just like the votes Ms. Larson took in 2005 and 2006 that caused the City to take on tremendous debt for the east 65 project. The same debt we are dealing with today. The same bad decisions I voted against but must clean up.
The decision not to move forward with the current project will cause us much greater future debt and hopefully the infrastructure will last long enough and will not break down further, if it does that will be even more expensive.
We are all responsible for the votes we cast.....
You deserve Sue Larson...she only won by what less than 10 votes. If you had put your personal crap aside and did what was best for your city she wouldn't be an issue. You let your personal life get in the way so now deal with the consequences.
That is either sad or funny.... Lorinser who ran came in first ... Larson came in 2nd and worked for it.... and Ham did not campaign at all....
I ran for Mayor and won that election... I was not running for Council....
Pretty soon they will be blaming you for a long cold winter. Some of these boneheads will never give you all the credit you deserve and will blame you for everything. Sorry you have to deal with all these idiots!!!
I have a question for you George. You say that this road project needs to get done. You've said that 4th Avenue is in dire need of having the sewer replaced. So now here's my question - Why did you vote "NO" to fixing 4th Avenue when a motion was made to do just that? I realize that it obviously will cost more to do just a portion of the project, but if you really cared about the residents that lived on that street that had sewer problems already, you would've voted to at least give THEM some relief! At this point, I don't think that the residents on that street care WHAT it costs, they just want their street fixed and you, along with two other council members, chose to deny them that - NOT Sue & Steve!
I have to agree with the comment from the person that said, "It's basically your way or nothing", it sure appears like you're pulling the "I'll show them" mentality and it's rather unbecoming behavior for a Mayor.
I also was troubled to read that you feel that Steve cannot POSSIBLY think for himself and that he must've voted the way he did because someone told him to???? Come on George, Steve CAN think for himself (just like everyone else), and maybe he just happens to agree with a lot of the affected residents on this particular project - don't do it ALL now, just fix what absolutely has to be done.
I think that you're being very unfair to Steve and what's surprising is this - I'm saying this and I didn't even VOTE for him! I just think that you need to put away the broad paint brush and instead of making him out to be a good 'ol boy, maybe you should give him a chance and certainly base your comments on more than one stinkin' vote or who supported or didn't support him. *shaking head* I have many friends whose opinions are far different than mine, that doesn't make either one of us wrong - it just makes us different.
We had two Council meetings where all the residents were invited to speak. We had one resident against and one resident for that spoke. Where is this ground swell of opposition to a plan that has been worked on for months now.
To give in to the minority of the Council against this project and move forward in a fragmented way will put an undue financial hardship on the residents on 4th and Elizabeth - cause remember even this fragmented piece affects more owners than just 4th.
The amount of rework and excessive cost to do a project wrong is not a good idea. Remember also 3 voted to approve the whole project and only 2 against but since a super majority is needed the project died.
When we vote on City items we have to vote how it affects everyone not just 1 or 20 or a couple people even if they are our friends....
That is the toughest lesson for anyone to learn... friendships end when you do this....
I love the way the paper writes "Lundeen paired up with Larson" to block the improvement project. Sure looks like a new alliance for trying to bring back the ways of the past. Keep an eye on the city credit cards.
I have lived in Isanti my whole life and I have never seen so many rudd people in this town, You guys aren't even giving Lundeen achance and you are already bad mouthing him and that is not fair. I'm at least giving Lundeen a chance and like what he has to say. So at least give hime a CHANCE.
This is the fundamental issue... he has had his chance and he has voted.... this is not about liking or disliking a guy this is about serving the interest of the whole city versus just a few friends... the financial hole this will put us in will not get paid for by being a nice guy.... it will be paid by our tax dollars...
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