About Me

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I have served the City of Isanti as Mayor since 2007. We have accomplished great things together and I look forward to building on our success. United, we move forward to a better future. You may contact me at 763-442-8749 or e-mail me at george@georgewimmer.com.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Closed Session/Previous Act and Process Questions Answered

I received numerous questions about this evenings meeting regarding the closed session meeting minutes and the waiving of client/attorney confidentiality. The closed session meeting minutes were approved with a few additions and clarifications. The waiving of client/attorney confidentiality was pertaining to a memo the City Attorney wrote last year about the misuse of a City of Isanti Credit Card for personnel expenses by Council Member Larson. This memo and the closed meeting minutes are now open to the public. The Memo speaks for itself. It was part of the closed session disciplinary discussion because it showed a prior fiscal issue.

I read a letter from an Isanti citizen asking why we have not ordered an audit of city records or handed this over to the county attorney. I received numerous requests to have the Council discuss CM Larson’s new statements in an article in the Isanti County News. The concerns center on her unwillingness to accept what she did was wrong, the statement she will continue to do what she does, and the new issue of her interpretation of what a conflict of interests is. Her stated belief that she can get around a conflict with a person by giving a gift to the person’s wife and/or children has also been questioned.

I understand these concerns but stated that in order to place an item on the City Council agenda it needs to be received by the Wednesday the week before the Council Meeting. The article appeared after this deadline. If a request is made and procedure followed, then the issue will be discussed. A Council Member or member of the public may request to have anything discussed.

I do believe that the written questions to the Council do deserve an answer and will be answered. I am also gravely concerned with the conflict of interest issue. It is in black and white in Isanti’s conflict of interest policy, the league of Minnesota handout given to each council member every year by the City Attorney; CM Larson is starting her 9th year and 3rd 4 year term.

I want these issues resolved as soon as possible. I do not want to have this be an issue every Council Meeting.

If you have any questions please let me know. George@georgewimmer.com or 444-7158


Anonymous said...

So if I hear you right, Larson was issued a City of Isanti Credit card and then proceeded to charge personal items on it? Why has it taken so long for this issue to see the light?
In the spirit of keeping score, she: 1)Fraudulently charged the city for mileage she did not incur. 2)She basically tried to bribe a Cambridge City official with a gift card to the officials family. 3)Issued a purchase order to the City of Cambridge for her portion of the trip to the conference as well as the reimbursed mileage that she never incurred. 4) Back in '06 abused a credit card issued by the city for her use while on city business.

I also heard of a similar issue back in '04 when her integrity was called into question surrounding the Jubilee days button sales that she was the chairperson. I do not know the exact details but heard that her daughter won the drawing for the monetary prize but that the drawing was not done in public.

Three strikes and your out but 4+ and your out of town!

On another note where were all of you big talkers last night at the council meeting?

The way that this process works is that if there is no public outrage, the politicians tend to take the easy way out and that means that we would have to put up with her for 3 years and 10 more months.
Is that what you really want?

If not then show up at the next council meeting and say your piece. Or at least write a leter to the Mayor letting him know how you feel or to the papers in the form of a letter to the editor.

YOU, need to make it happen or nothing will!

Three strikes and your out.

Dan Collison said...

I feel that there was a conflict of interest in the appointment of Brian Duncan to the Planning Commission due to the nature of his relationship with Jeff kolb. If we are to hold conflict of interest to a priority, it needs to be accross the board. I felt that Jeff had already made his mind up before the meeting last night and I didn't have a chance for the third time. It makes me feel like there's no way to get on the boards unless you know someone. Last time around it was the same story as well. I feel that Jeff should have stepped out durring this appointment no matter what the outcome may have been. If you are not aware of the relation between the two, they are neigbors. After the interviews were complete, Jeff moved to nominate Duncan right away with out pause. Did the other canidates even have a fair chance? I have shown time and again my interest in serving this community but it does not seem to matter. I am deeply saddened that the council fails to recognize this and disgusted. On another note I don't think Benny Marine deservs another chance when we don't give residents one. You have a ordinance in place for this kind of thing, stand behind it or it will get out of hand. Thanks for letting me vent! Spring is coming soon!

Anonymous said...

Dan, I believe you are missing the biggest point of all. When asked the most important question during your interview, your response was and I quote, "Duhhhhhh". Not once but twice. Out of the three candidates, you came in a distant third. Sorry, the truth sometimes hurts.
I do admire your desire to get involved and make a difference. I encourage you to find a solid charitable organization and jump in head first. I am sure that there are many groups that would appreciate your enthusiasm.
There was no conflict of interest at all. It has to do with qualifications. Period!

George said...

The credit card was a city of Isanti credit card issued in her name. The city did not know she had recieved it or was using. The City Finance Director caught the usage and CM Larson claimed she did not realize it was a city of Isanti Credit Card even though it stated on the card....City of Isanti. As I stated read the Memo from the City Attorney and if you have any questions please let me know.

I will have this item on the agenda at the next Council meeting to answer written questions and other questions. I want to ensure the public this matter has been fully addressed and come to a final conclusion so this does not drag on for months.

George said...

All candidates had the same chance. The Council receives a full packet of information to make their judgement.

Anonymous said...

As an audience member in the meeting last night, I heard all 3 candidates' responses to the questions asked by Mr. Wimmer. I personally do not know any of the 3 candidates but thought Mr. Duncan answered the questions asked in the most professional and knowledgeable manner. As a business owner, I would have chosen Mr. Duncan out of the three candidates as well. My suggestion to the other two candidates is to volunteer more time in the community in other areas. There are plenty of opportunities in our town... I would imagine that Mr. Duncan would love to hear any great ideas and suggestions that the other two candidates have for our community planning.

Anonymous said...

I am so angry about this. Larson's response to her punishment was a joke. I would laugh if it was not so sad. Another black eye for Isanti. George keep fighting to clean-up the city.

Anonymous said...

so we will be able to comment at the next meeting. i was confused by the last meeting and wanted to speak my peace. thank you for putting this on the next agenda

Anonymous said...

Please Sue step down and save us all the agony. You will start having others rufuse to serve with you. I pray you do what is right for the city and stop thinking only of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I just heard that the credit card issue that was swept under the rug last year amounted to over $1000.00. The level that would make it a felony is $800.00. She basically committed a felony but because of the the past administration, nothing was done and we have to deal with her now.

i am going to list the email address of the council members that I am aware of for those of you that would prefer that method of letting your feelings be heard on this issue.

Trust me,these guys don't have the guts to do whats right unless they hear from we the people.

Council Member Alan Duff:

Council Member Jeff Kolb:

Mayor George Wimmer:

Council Member Ralph Johnson:

Council Member Sue Larson

If you think that what Council Member Larson was wrong and that she should resign, let the powers that be know how you feel by email or better yet show up at the next council meeting on Tues, March 20th or we will be dealing with this issue for the next 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Correction on Duff's email:

Council Member Alan Duff:

The credit card dollar amount was actually over $1300.00.

Send the emails!!

Anonymous said...

Dan, its too bad you feel there was a conflict of interest. As you know, the entire council had our application packets to review for several days prior to the interviews. For you to make such an accusation based solely on my address as opposed to my qualifications speaks volumes. The council vote would still have been unanimous had Councilman Kolb stepped out of the room.

Anonymous said...

Do all council members have their own City of Isanti credit cards? Why?

The credit cards had to come to the city, and then who dispersed them to individuals?

We have more than enough paid staff to verify all vouchers, and any other thing that is city related. What took so long to find this?shzddkzp

George said...

No Council members have credit cards...This was a past practice that the Former Mayor and Mayor Pro-Tem had Cards issued to them. The Previous Mayor never used his and turned it over to staff as soon as it was issued. CM Larson used the one, issued in her name with city ofIsanti on the card, for personal expenses, totalling over $1,300 and staff caught this within a few weeks of activity. The city has a memo from the city attorney on this issue and it has been released to the public.

When I was made aware of this we ended credit cards being issued to the Mayor and Mayor pro-tem. The city credit card is locked away and only used for city expenses.

We have CM Larson's story of how she said she recieved the card which is covered in the Memo.

The system caught this act quite quickly. The issue was never forwarded to the council or personel committee. I have established the process that if an issue with a council member does happen it gets forwarded to the personel committee and the council for action.

We need to make our government fai and transparent to the public so we do not lose our citizens trust.

George said...

The council was given the above stated memo from the city attorney and his opinion that it was a mistake.

Anonymous said...

When will we be able to tell the council what we think of her stealing money from the city?

Anonymous said...

I heard that the State of Minnesota Auditors Office was conducting an investigation about Sue the city spending. Is that true?

George said...

I do not know if it is an actual investigation but City Staff, city attorney and I have all had to answer questions from the state auditor. One of the many consequences of her actions.