I told the Council tonight that I will be asking them to vote for a resolution to change the term of office for Mayor from a 2 to a 4 year term. I have listed out my initial 5 points on this topic. I wanted to give the Council the courtesy of a heads up before I bring the item to them for a vote.
Point 1
The change in term of office would not take affect until after the next election and the winner of that election would serve the first 4 year term. My current term ends December 31st, 2010.
Point 2
2 year term breaks out roughly into the following monthly segments:
· First 3months are a getting acquainted to the position and training for a first time Mayor and the new Council members for a re-elected Mayor.
* overwhelming input from Mayor's Association members that it is really takes a year to get in full stride in office *
· Next 14 months are focused on governing
· Next 5 months and sometimes more you are running for re-election again
· Last 2 months if you are defeated in the election you are in a Lame Duck position
4 year term would look like this:
· First 3months are a getting acquainted to the position and training for a first time Mayor and the new Council members for a re-elected Mayor.
· Next 38 months are focused on governing
· Next 5 months and sometimes more you are running for re-election again
· Last 2 months if you are defeated in the election you are in a Lame Duck position
The past history of numerous uncontested elections where a number of 2 year terms were strung together with no challengers is a thing of the past. There are competitive elections for nearly all local elections now and this reality must be recognized. A 4 year term may also attract more good candidates if they knew they would not have to run ever two years.
There will be a vigorous election every 4 years in which the totality of the position can be judged and the Voters can then decide if they want to go in a new direction.
All 5 County Commissioners, Sheriff, County Attorney, County Auditor, County Treasurer, County Recorder, all 12 Council members for the 3 cities, all 7 School Board Members and the Mayor of Cambridge are all 4 year terms. The Mayor of Braham and the Mayor of Isanti are the only two local elected positions that are 2 years.
Point 3
Most major city projects are 3 or more years to complete. Recent examples are our completed Water Treatment Plant and Ever Cat Fuels project. Both projects had a lot of the work and pain in the front end. The Water Treatment Plant had to be funded out of water usage fees because the City did not charge residential developers enough to pay for proper infrastructure. This could have easily turned into a campaign issue and turned the tide back on a vital City project before we are completed – wasting money, time and the health of future generations. The Ever Cat Fuels project was also a long project to a great finish but there was serious apprehension to this project and it was the number 1 question I received on the campaign trail in 2008. The fear of the unknown in this situation again could have been used as an election issue against me. This would have had a negative impact on this project and on others looking to make a significant investment in Isanti.
In both situations I had no problem sticking to my position and educating the voters as to the needs of both projects but this situation may have a chilling affect on future Mayors serving a 2 year term. We will be shortly embarking on other major multi-year economic development projects that will have great pay offs but will take a lot of work, education and possible controversy. Reasonable time needs to be given to a Mayor’s term as it is with the other 30 locally elected officials in our County.
Point 4
2 of the 4 Council members each cycle and the Mayor are up for election every 2 years. This leads to the Majority of the Council changing over and a possible zig zag of City direction leading to stunted growth. When in discussions on bringing in new commercial growth, especially major projects, there needs to be an understanding that there will be some consistency in leadership and support from the City. This is also important in recruiting critical talent to the City. High profile positions like Administrator or Economic Development Director needs to know that they have support to move the City forward. If the majority of the Council changes over every two years then key personnel could be facing radically different expectations.
Point 5
A 4 year term also takes the “politics” out of the position for the vast majority of the term. With 50% of the current 2 year term in an election year - the perception is all those votes and decisions are politically motivated. We need to make the position as effective as possible for the long term. This will benefit all Mayors and the City long into the future.