I have served the City of Isanti as Mayor since 2007. We have accomplished great things together and I look forward to building on our success. United, we move forward to a better future. You may contact me at 763-442-8749 or e-mail me at george@georgewimmer.com.
If the Govenor's LGA cuts are made into law Isanti will have been cut from an original $524,262 to $93,824. This represents an 82% cut in LGA and is equal to 13% of our total City General Fund Budget.
Could you explain where the taxes I pay go?
propertery taxes sales tax income tax tabs
So George how much of this do we see come back to are city.It sounds like very little.I think we need to start electing some people at the state level who arent crooks. This next election we need to start voting out any whack nut who thinks the governments job is to support people from craddle to grave.Fair is fair but us working people need to stop paying for deadbeats and state workers who get benefits that are way more than average.
In general the city gets 30% to 40% of your property taxes and the rest is split between the county and school district.
sales tax, tabs and state income tax goes to the state.
LGA was to bring state taxes we are all pat back to our City in exchange the legislature prohibits cities from raising their own local consumption taxes. Special legislation does get passed from time to time to allow localities to pass sales or other taxes.
The state also have numerous unfunded mandates that a city has to follow which cuts away at our budget even further.
After attending the last council meeting and reading about the LGA cuts in both the local and the Star Trib,I would like to personally acknowledge you and the City Council.
Under your guidance, Isanti is much better prepared to weather this financial storm than the majority of cities. It is refreshing that in this era of out of control spending nationally and what seems to be a total lack of fiscal discipline that there is someone willing to make the hard choices for the long term good of the community.
Your actions will definitely hasten the recovery in Isanti.
After attending the last council meeting and reading about the LGA cuts in both the local and the Star Trib,I would like to personally acknowledge you and the City Council.
Under your guidance, Isanti is much better prepared to weather this financial storm than the majority of cities. It is refreshing that in this era of out of control spending nationally and what seems to be a total lack of fiscal discipline that there is someone willing to make the hard choices for the long term good of the community.
Your actions will definitely hasten the recovery in Isanti.
one offhand is the one from last year that says you have to buy uniforms for your employees from only American companies. There are few of those left and raise the cost about 50% from what I was told.... in typical state fashion there is a huge loophole in this legislation even if you think it is good to buy only American products. The loophole is simply give the employee a clothing allowance and they can buy from anywhere...
The latest State action though may be the worse yet... The state is auditing local governments to get use tax... the example for us in Isanti is we have to pay the state a use tax on water used for fighting or maintaining City property.
Many people do not understand that we must pay the state a fee for the water we pump out of the ground... a sales tax for water we sell residents and businesses and a use tax on all other water...
"Many people do not understand" That says a lot... you are correct, we ARE clueless. can ya help us drill down into one... lets walk through the "pay the state a use tax on water used for fighting or maintaining City property" you mean above and beyond what the county pays for water. i.e., the 'Total Due' amount on the water bill, there are additional charges from the state? What are the additional funds allocated to fund? I'm not sure I'm getting this. if I'm reading you correctly, the County is being charged an Additional fee above and beyond the cost of using water to the state to use water? .. ugh, I think I'm lost here.
The County does not pay anything for the City. I am addressing only city cost. I do not know what the state spends our money on. The use tax does not appear on your individual billing as this is a cost to the City directly. Since the state has started to demand this tax now it will have to be passed for out of the city water fund. A person's water bill covers their water, taxes and fees.... I hope this helps....
The state gets a portion of most city fees like building permits. The state provides no actual service or review of permits but still wants a cut of the fee. The City has to pay for the building inspector to review plans and help residents and that is what our portion of the fee is for.
I hope I am helping.... please keep asking if I am not explaining it right...
Yes, you ARE helping, my bad, I should have stated City rather than County. Correction - "you mean above and beyond what the city pays for water. i.e., the 'Total Due' amount on the water bill, there are additional charges from the state?
you confirmed you do not know what the state spends our money on. Me either .. I think I'll send 'em an invoice for giggles and grins and see if it gets paid. (Just kidding)
k, so " The state gets a portion of most city fees like building permits. The state provides no actual service or review of permits but still wants a cut of the fee."
Why the heck do we pay the state for stuff they have nothing to do with and WHERE do THOSE funds go?
Hmm, I'm thinking we need a real-time forum use to continue conversations like this in .. Do you have an Isanti County resident forum set up anywhere where residents can discuss, share knowledge and work though most of this stuff before we start bending your ear?
We have to obey all state laws even if it makes no sense....
I like the idea of a town meeting... but a town meeting with our State Senator, State Rep, County Commissioner and myself representing the City.... I will try to set that up.. not sure if all would be willing but I hope they will.
Could you explain where the taxes I pay go?
propertery taxes
sales tax
income tax
So George how much of this do we see come back to are city.It sounds like very little.I think we need to start electing some people at the state level who arent crooks. This next election we need to start voting out any whack nut who thinks the governments job is to support people from craddle to grave.Fair is fair but us working people need to stop paying for deadbeats and state workers who get benefits that are way more than average.
In general the city gets 30% to 40% of your property taxes and the rest is split between the county and school district.
sales tax, tabs and state income tax goes to the state.
LGA was to bring state taxes we are all pat back to our City in exchange the legislature prohibits cities from raising their own local consumption taxes. Special legislation does get passed from time to time to allow localities to pass sales or other taxes.
The state also have numerous unfunded mandates that a city has to follow which cuts away at our budget even further.
After attending the last council meeting and reading about the LGA cuts in both the local and the Star Trib,I would like to personally acknowledge you and the City Council.
Under your guidance, Isanti is much better prepared to weather this financial storm than the majority of cities. It is refreshing that in this era of out of control spending nationally and what seems to be a total lack of fiscal discipline that there is someone willing to make the hard choices for the long term good of the community.
Your actions will definitely hasten the recovery in Isanti.
Jaysen Guthmueller
105 Main St W
After attending the last council meeting and reading about the LGA cuts in both the local and the Star Trib,I would like to personally acknowledge you and the City Council.
Under your guidance, Isanti is much better prepared to weather this financial storm than the majority of cities. It is refreshing that in this era of out of control spending nationally and what seems to be a total lack of fiscal discipline that there is someone willing to make the hard choices for the long term good of the community.
Your actions will definitely hasten the recovery in Isanti.
Jaysen Guthmueller
105 Main St W
I'd like to further define "numerous unfunded mandates that a city has to follow which cuts away at our budget even further."
one offhand is the one from last year that says you have to buy uniforms for your employees from only American companies. There are few of those left and raise the cost about 50% from what I was told.... in typical state fashion there is a huge loophole in this legislation even if you think it is good to buy only American products. The loophole is simply give the employee a clothing allowance and they can buy from anywhere...
The latest State action though may be the worse yet... The state is auditing local governments to get use tax... the example for us in Isanti is we have to pay the state a use tax on water used for fighting or maintaining City property.
Many people do not understand that we must pay the state a fee for the water we pump out of the ground... a sales tax for water we sell residents and businesses and a use tax on all other water...
"Many people do not understand" That says a lot... you are correct, we ARE clueless. can ya help us drill down into one... lets walk through the "pay the state a use tax on water used for fighting or maintaining City property" you mean above and beyond what the county pays for water. i.e., the 'Total Due' amount on the water bill, there are additional charges from the state? What are the additional funds allocated to fund? I'm not sure I'm getting this. if I'm reading you correctly, the County is being charged an Additional fee above and beyond the cost of using water to the state to use water? .. ugh, I think I'm lost here.
The County does not pay anything for the City. I am addressing only city cost. I do not know what the state spends our money on. The use tax does not appear on your individual billing as this is a cost to the City directly. Since the state has started to demand this tax now it will have to be passed for out of the city water fund.
A person's water bill covers their water, taxes and fees.... I hope this helps....
The state gets a portion of most city fees like building permits. The state provides no actual service or review of permits but still wants a cut of the fee. The City has to pay for the building inspector to review plans and help residents and that is what our portion of the fee is for.
I hope I am helping.... please keep asking if I am not explaining it right...
Yes, you ARE helping, my bad, I should have stated City rather than County. Correction - "you mean above and beyond what the city pays for water. i.e., the 'Total Due' amount on the water bill, there are additional charges from the state?
you confirmed you do not know what the state spends our money on. Me either .. I think I'll send 'em an invoice for giggles and grins and see if it gets paid. (Just kidding)
k, so "
The state gets a portion of most city fees like building permits. The state provides no actual service or review of permits but still wants a cut of the fee."
Why the heck do we pay the state for stuff they have nothing to do with and WHERE do THOSE funds go?
Hmm, I'm thinking we need a real-time forum use to continue conversations like this in .. Do you have an Isanti County resident forum set up anywhere where residents can discuss, share knowledge and work though most of this stuff before we start bending your ear?
We have to obey all state laws even if it makes no sense....
I like the idea of a town meeting... but a town meeting with our State Senator, State Rep, County Commissioner and myself representing the City.... I will try to set that up.. not sure if all would be willing but I hope they will.
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