About Me

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I have served the City of Isanti as Mayor since 2007. We have accomplished great things together and I look forward to building on our success. United, we move forward to a better future. You may contact me at 763-442-8749 or e-mail me at george@georgewimmer.com.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Total Major Revenues & Cost

Top 5 Major Revenue Sources

Top 8 Major City Cost

Total Major Cost

Total Major Revenue

The total major revenue sources for our City project to 2015 and major cost structure to 2012. I want to share a number of the financial projections I have put together for the City. These are the numbers I look at each day and what drives my decision making process. The total cumulative major revenues sources which peak in 2010 then drop off dramatically in 2011 and still do not recover by 2015. This is why I always say it may look like there is extra money to spend when there really is not any. The total cost chart shows the increasing cost to 2010 but then bends down in 2011 and 2012. This lowering of the cost curve is based on needed cuts in spending I will be asking the Council to approve this year. These changes need to be made in order to still provide our current service level.

A quick note that these are only the major revenues and cost. There are many more smaller line items that make up both sides of the City budget.

This projection is also why in the last few years I have been driving the City to cut spending on numerous items so we could conserve our cash on hand. It is also why we will be working very hard this year to lower our structural cost as well as finding ways to grow our tax base.

We must use the pincer movement of lowering cost and growing our tax base to ensure a highly efficient City government and our long term success. We can not be to short sighted and not invest in economic growth to provide the jobs and tax base we need to be a long term success.

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