About Me

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I have served the City of Isanti as Mayor since 2007. We have accomplished great things together and I look forward to building on our success. United, we move forward to a better future. You may contact me at 763-442-8749 or e-mail me at george@georgewimmer.com.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Community Center Reality 2

The City of Isanti has subsidized the Community Center in the Amount of $61,808 the past 5 years... many who use it are not City residents.... is it fair that our tax payers subsidize this facility for other communities.... We will be discussing this Monday at Goal setting...


Anonymous said...

What a giant albatross around the cities neck! I believe in this time of economic downturn,if it isn't producing revenue it should be let go! Why put good money after bad? Why give the Lion's a free place to meet? Somthing has to change now........

Anonymous said...

How is the community center different from a park? We pay for parks that are used by people who don't live in town. How many dollars per person per use do we spend on the community center vs. one of the parks? It may cost some money but it is a well-used resource.

George said...

First of all our park system was built and paid for through development fees... the upkeep of the parks is paid for by tax payer dollars... thousands of citizens use our park system every year and helps bring in tens of thousands of visitors... the Community Center serves a much smaller group than this most of whom do not live in our City... also when the community center was built there were was no planning to reserve funds to repair or replace it.... a whole generation used it but did not help pay for it... we are faced with the entire bill today...

Anonymous said...

I have a question for you and this will not be as tough as those that the seniors ask of you as I give you the answer as well!

Who purchased the land where the current City Hall sits? Can we say the Lions Club??


If you get rid of the Community Center where do you plan on having the Senior Dining, The Benefit Dinners and Pancake Breakfasts that serve for residents that have suffered hardships due to health?

The Lions Group fed 400 families in this economic down turn during the Holidays all by funds that were RAISED at THIS Community Center.

Maybe if the Lions leave our town possibly the Jaycees may come back, but this time George you can't write the final check!

~ The Pot Shot Critic

George said...

Other stating a bunch of nice facts about the Lions I am not sure what your comment does.... I have given to the Lions Christmas project and I believe they do a great job... but there was not a single dollar set aside over the decades to fund the replacement of the center or for capital expenses...

This is not a discussion of the past it is planning for the future... It is about shedding a light on the facts of the situation and asking the tax payers of Isanti what they want to spend their money on...

Every dollar that is spent on one item is one less dollar to spend on something else...