About Me

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I have served the City of Isanti as Mayor since 2007. We have accomplished great things together and I look forward to building on our success. United, we move forward to a better future. You may contact me at 763-442-8749 or e-mail me at george@georgewimmer.com.

Monday, January 03, 2011

January 11th Special Election

The Special Primary Election for January 11th will be as important as any election we have had and yet due to its nature turnout will be very low. I cannot stress enough that elections matter and can have a critical impact on our direction as a City. This primary will lead whittle the field down to 2 candidates for the March 11th Special Municipal Election. Dan Collison, Steve Lundeen and Michael G. Streiff will be on the ballot. Only Dan Collison has spoken to me and he has run in the past for City Council. Neither of the other 2 gentlemen has spoken to me and I give no recommendations as to who to vote for but do hope the candidates get their positions to the voters. At this point I have no idea what these gentleman intend to do once elected or their positions on taxes, transportation, economic development or anything else for that matter…. Never a good situation to be in when going to vote…. If anyone has any links to websites or blogs or scratches on a chalk board from any candidate please let me know and I will link it here…. 


Dan Collison said...

If voters would like to talk to me or view my blog to answer any quetions they might have I am more than happy to speek with them. I agree with our mayor that this is an important election. And I know you are all tired of politics by now, but please get out and vote for your canidate of choice. I do not want our taxes to go up as do you. I want to promote our city as much as possible to attract more business. I would like to see more research into a bus line for comuters and I don't want to see any city services cut. These are just a few things about me and I hope to have the chance to serve the residents and businesses of Isanti well. Thank you.

Dan Collison

Heidi Streiff said...

Mike Streiff has a Facebook page dedicated to the election. It is entitled, "Mike Streiff for Isanti City Council" and it can be reached by typing this into the search function on Facebook.

Heidi Streiff