About Me

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I have served the City of Isanti as Mayor since 2007. We have accomplished great things together and I look forward to building on our success. United, we move forward to a better future. You may contact me at 763-442-8749 or e-mail me at george@georgewimmer.com.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

March Special Election Update

We are down to 2 candidates for the special March election to fill the Council seat. I am concerned that if we do not get the right person elected that many of the long term improvements to the City will be in jeopardy. We can not go backwards into a past of poor planning and no fiscal direction. We are trying to dig ourselves out of the horrific decisions made by past Councils and Mayor to fund development of the east side of 65 at tax payer expense. I hope people will remember that on a 3-2 vote the past Council and Mayor took land rights from a 70 plus year old couple and gave those land rights the developer of the east side all at our expense. The cost of which we all had to pay along with the infrastructure that was built.

The City was put on the hook for all those millions of dollars and those bills are coming due NOW!!!! How can we afford to put those same ideas back in power.... Elections matter greatly..... We have a clear choice of moving forward or falling backward..... I hope every voter thinks long and hard about their decision....


Dan Collison said...

I would like to thank everyone that came out and voted. Alittle disapointed in the number of the voters turn out though as alot of others I'm sure. I really feel that the city could have done more at communicating with the residents about the election. This was one of my goals from my campaign 4 years ago. There could have been a sign at 1st and cty. rd. 5 like they did for Nov. election and something on the sign at the Police Dept. A great idea would have been to put something in our water/utillity billing. There may have been leagal issues with that that I'm unaware of though? These are simple and easy steps that the city could have taken. Just my opinion of course. I hope we can get a better turn out for the March election. Thanks again for supporting me.

Dan Collison

Dan Collison said...

That is something I would have voted against for sure if given the chance.

Anonymous said...

It seems like the city did not put forth much effort with the primary. The council made up the rules, why don't they embrace the edicts they send out? A lot of money was spent by the city to have this election let's try to make it a real race!

George said...

that is a bit confusing .... what edits are we not following at the City?.... Democracy is a participatory responsibility... I hope the next election gets a better turnout