About Me

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I have served the City of Isanti as Mayor since 2007. We have accomplished great things together and I look forward to building on our success. United, we move forward to a better future. You may contact me at 763-442-8749 or e-mail me at george@georgewimmer.com.

Friday, May 12, 2006

May 16th Council Meeting

There is a full agenda for the 16th. There are many rezoning and plat approvals. These include rezone of an area in the Richard Avenue neighborhood asking to rezone to R3 and allow multifamily dwellings. This does not belong in a single family part of town.

There are three other items that I want to highlight.

1. Several Council Members have asked to have our pay research. The Council does not under any circumstance need a pay increase. I will fight any type of pay increase. According to the information provided we should pass a pay decrease. Many of the Cities that are the same size actually pay less than Isanti.

2. The "weed" field growing northwest of Whiskey and Blossom. This has been an issue for the City for over a year. This was planted by Iverson Real Estate. City staff has been unable to get Iverson Real Estate to live up to their commitment. It is time this area is cleaned up. The residents have had to live with this nuisance long enough. The Council needs to take action and stop passing the buck.

3. Federated Co-op site plan is up for approval. This is an exciting project. This is the first of what will be a true revitalization of the Main Street Business District. Once this project moves forward the City will be capturing TIF money to help fund other Main Street business projects. Federated is a business I am proud to have in Isanti.


Anonymous said...

George-- Another issue in regards to weed fields/farms in the city for you to address. There is a CITY owned parcel just north of the Isanti Tot lot that has been neglected, used as a dumping grounds on occassion, and not mowed by anyone including the city. In the spring it holds shallow ponds of water or should I say mosquito breeding ponds, by June the bugs are so thick no one that lives near it can sit outside. Your assistance and info about this matter will be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Keep fighting the "gang of 3". Wimmer for Mayor!!!

Anonymous said...

Another thing I forgot to mention about the weed farm.....We have lived here for 10 years and nothing has EVER been done.... If I refused to mow my lawn how long before the city slapped me with warning letters and fines??? This has become beyond ridiculous!