About Me

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I have served the City of Isanti as Mayor since 2007. We have accomplished great things together and I look forward to building on our success. United, we move forward to a better future. You may contact me at 763-442-8749 or e-mail me at george@georgewimmer.com.

Friday, August 11, 2006

August 10th Budget Session Update

Council Member Larson opened the Budget Session as Mayor Pro Tem since the Mayor was 30 minutes late. There were three department presentations. The good news is there was plenty to cut from the budget.

Several items were either entered twice or were for programs the City is not doing. This alone has a budget saving of over $65,000 dollars. I asked to have all department heads review their budgets to make sure there is not more double dipping in expenses.

The list of items I would like to see removed include:

Planning and Zoning Consultant ----------$30,000

Extra Council chairs ----------------------$2,000

Wood Chipper ----------------------------$15,000

Public Works Equipment -----------------$25,000

Replacement Park Equip -----------------$15,000 still leaving $10,000 for replacement equip

Police OT/PT reduction due to new hire --$10,000 The PD will hire a New Officer for 2007

The above stated reductions added to the duplicated expenses equal $162,000. The budget should also reflect $50,000 more in transfer from the liquor fund and $200,000 out of the $350,000 from the 2005 budget surplus. The liquor fund and budget surplus should be used to keep taxes low, not increase cash accounts for “extra” spending. This will allow for an 8% Property Tax Levy decrease.

The Council received funding request from the Friends of the Library and the Isanti Historical Society. Each group wants $5,100 each. This would be added to several other previous requests including one from an abused women’s shelter. The Council will also receive a funding request from the Isanti Redbirds at the next Council meeting.

These request added together with all others is reaching $30,000. These are all worthy causes and groups but Tax Payers have to pay the cost. $30,000 is equal to 1.39% reduction or increase in our Tax Levy. We must prioritize and be willing to say no when needed.

We will be having further Budget discussions at the next two Council Meetings. The Preliminary Levy will be set at the September 5th meeting.

I will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of your hard work George!!

Anonymous said...

Know when to say NO!

Anonymous said...

George, it was a VERY eye opening meeting last night. It really seems that the department heads do not have a handle on their budgets.

One example of this would be the wood chipper. At the meeting the audience didn't have access to know how much the estimate was ($15,000), but the need was to eliminate the $1000 annual expense to rent a chipper. The new chipper has an expected life of 15 years, as the PW director noted. Obviously this makes no sense to purchase, its cheaper to rent annually and not maintain.

Keep up the good work, the citizens are noticing what change is needed.

Anonymous said...

you are doing a great job. Keep the budget low. Our taxes are way to high. Do not let them spedn our money.

Anonymous said...

You have to win....tell me what I can do to help. You are the only one that keeps us informed nad fights for what we need.

Anonymous said...

Keep our taxes low. The jack up my values and keep taking a bigger junk each year. Why don't the 3 good ole boys/girl get it. You have my vote and my wife and my 18 year old daughter is registering to vote for you.

as for those signs stolen I can have a group of guys any where you need them anytime you want. just let me know.

Anonymous said...

I have only lived here for 1 1/2 years. You better than anyone in the my hometown and way better than anyone here. Keep working to make Isanti better. Keep the cost of the City low or we will get taxed out of town. I read your information on your webpage of how you grew up. You get what a hard fight is and how living on a low income makes everything tough.

My husband and I do pretty well but I also grew up in tough situation. Keep doing a good job and I will e-mail you my address for a sign. You are doing great and hope everyone reads your "about George" on your web page. You have gone through a lot and fight just as hard for us. Keep up the great work

Anonymous said...

You are the only one that puts forward any type of plan. like it or mot we always know where you stand.

Anonymous said...

Keep working for us George. I also like seeing your signs everywhere.

Anonymous said...

My neighbor was at the last budget meeting. It confirmed everything you have been saying. Keep up the good work we are behind you.

Wimmer for Mayor all the way.