I was a bit surprised by the full page joint ad in the Star from Mayor Apitz and Council Member Larson. They bizarrely draw Cambridge into our election. They also seem to make the argument that everything is great and no change is needed. This however is then contradicted by their statement that if anything bad has happened it is not enough to make a change.
The only issue these two seem to think there is in Isanti is me. They state that everyone needs to follow a "common thread". Of course it must be their common thread. They make a statement about "negative" ads. I wish they would have been more positive last year when they tried to use the power of the Council to silence me. See http://georgewimmer.blogspot.com/2006/10/council-history.html for more details.
The three points this high priced full page ad makes is that Mayor Apitz and Council Member Larson are tragically out of touch, have a large campaign war chest and they make my point that they are tied at the hip. The good-ole-boy/girl network is alive and well and can only be stopped at the ballot box.
High taxes and fees, brown/radium filled city water, transportation, rising crime, anemic commercial/industrial growth and no financial planning are issues they seem not to acknowledge.
They write that this election is not about reform or change. They want to keep the "train on the track". Their track is taking Isanti off a cliff. I could not have made my points about these two any better than they did in this expensive full page ad. Thank you.
This November 7th you will have a clear choice between progressive reform or business as usual. Now is the time to make a choice for the future of Isanti. I ask for your support to reform Isanti. Together we must preserve Isanti's Traditions while planning for the future.
did they actually read their ad???
it was like we are perfect keep us here and by the way any other opinion but ours is not good for the city. everyone sees the problems we are having. my taxes keep going up and up and up. the water out of my facet could be used in my construction jobs as drywall putty.
I have never seen a joint ad like that. is it even legal? kick em both out so we can move forward.
I can't believe that they actually think that everything in Isanti is ok. Have they looked at their taxes lately? Or even looked around the city to see what is happening here? It is time to get these two off the train and move forward in a more productive way for the citizens in Isanti.
Its time to put these two UNDER the train.....Whoot whoot!
How about they just take the next train out of town!!!!!
The ad looks like it was written by my daughter's 3rd grade class. I think the city has just moved beyond their abilities.
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